Language Trek Grade 5 to 6

Modules Overview
The most effective language program ever.
Consists of 4 stages from beginner(level 1) to advance(level 2)
Modules Outline
Stage 1- Communication Museum
- Misspelled words
- Syllabification
- Singular and Plural forms of Nouns
- Quotation marks in Sentences
- Titles
- Simple , Compound, Complex sentences
- Prefixes, Period, Questions mark
- Exclamation mark
- Comma
- Root words
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Suffixes
- Phrases
- Prepositions
- Pronouns
- Antecedents
Stage 2 – Publishing Company
- Poetry
- Produce Stories
- Letters
- Instructions
Stage 3 – Production studio
- Communicate ideas t0 specific audiences
- Produce media text
- Produce pieces of writing using a variety of terms, techniques and resources
- Select words and phrases to create special effects
- Identify various types of media works
- Analyse media work
- Identify the main characteristics of some familiar media
- Identify descriptive and figurative language in oral and media text
Stage 4 – Library
- Focuses on reading and research